Goodbye, First Home
Despite selling our house in October 2020, this new adventure doesn't feel real yet. I imagine it will just take some time. Once we sold, we ventured in to Wisconsin to visit with Ellie's parents and make sure they got as much time with Owen as the weather would allow.
Due to COVID, our closing wasn't face to face with the buyers. We closed on a Wednesday but could remain at the house till that Friday, which we had planned to do. That way, Owen could finish out his week at daycare and Ellie and I could finish out the work week without traveling late into the night with work the next day. The weather changed all that. We had already seen snow, and more was on the way.

Since we'd be traveling in the dark, I didn't want to add inclement weather to the mix, especially on my first long-distance drive with the RV trailer. We decided to leave that day, Wednesday. We scrambled the prior day to get everything in the house cleaned up, packed up, and ready.
During the packing process we identified items to sell, donate, bring with, and store. Facebook Marketplace helped us sell a lot. Our front porch was non-stop busy with people picking up their item and leaving cash under our doormat.

It was a big lift to get all the final things packed up on Wednesday. We gave a few things to the neighbors that we weren't going to be able to fit in the RV or truck, like a wood carrying rack I built in a recent evening.

I went on vacation for the rest of the week. Not that it needs justification, but it would have been a lot to keep trying to work in the midst of a move and unpacking items in Wisconsin for storage. I just needed a break.
It was a day full of goodbyes and likely lasts. This move was different from all ours in the past. We always were staying in town. Just moving to a different apartment or rental house, or on the last one, to our home. Our first home. Yesterday we left and said goodbye to our first home. One full of memories and fun. Hardship and growth. We loved it, improved it. We also couldn't have picked better neighbors or community of neighbors. The wandering dinners, fires, gatherings in the street. I'll never forget the neighbors we were fortunate to have. It was no, it is a great community.
Owen's daycare. FULL of fantastic people and teachers. Goodbye was difficult. They all have come to love Owen over his year and a half with them. All the other kids really loved him too. It was so rewarding to see that outpouring of love for our son on that final day but it also made it tougher. The tough moments usually have the biggest impact and meaning.
The drive went well. We saw bits of snow but nothing bad and nothing like we would have seen if we had waited till Friday for the drive.
We arrived at Ellie's parents at 11:30 at night. Backed the RV down their long driveway and parked it in front of the house. It was time for a beer, quickly followed by bed.
Our time in the woods of Wisconsin with Ellie's parents was so wonderful and relaxing. They helped watch Owen while Ellie and I unloaded our stuff for storage, put it into storage, and while we worked during the day.
It snowed most days during our stay and we weren't sure when it was going to stop. With the uncertainty of being snowed in and inclement weather for RV projects, we started contemplating revised travel plans. Where was the Fall weather we were expecting?

The daily snow and below freezing temps had other ideas. Eager to move closer to starting our journey that we sold our home to start, we left early for warmer weather. More on that in a bit, but first let's briefly cover all the wonderful things that happened during our stay in Wisconsin.

We enjoyed movies, reading, writing, nature views, fun conversations, cozy fires, good drinks, phenomenal meals. Great smoked meats & cooked meals. Drooled over every single one. While we were there, we celebrated my birthday, then Ellie's (early), then Owen's (early, too).

We are so grateful to have been able to spend solid time with Ellie's parents.
They had some awesome neighbors over for dinner, drinks, and conversation. They are experienced RVers and shared lots of good tips and advice with us that we've taken to the road.
We're looking forward to our next visit with her parents. Our current adventure allows us longer stays, without worry of when the work week begins and ends when it comes to traveling. It's freeing.